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榮仕杰 · 智為人先焊接機器人工作站一體化集成/設計/制造商
見智見未來          榮仕杰智能裝備經十年積淀再創輝煌
作者: 編輯: 來源: 發布日期: 2019.11.06


點焊機器人(spot welding robot) 用于點焊自動作業的工業機器人。世界上第一臺 點焊機于1965年開始使用,是美國Unimation公司推出的Unimate機器人,中國在1987年自行研制成第一臺點焊機器人── 華宇-Ⅰ型點焊機器人。

(spot welding robot)
用    于
組    成
作    用


點焊機器人由機器人本體計算機控制系統示教盒點焊焊接系統幾部分組成,由于為了適應靈活動作的工作要求,通常電焊機器人選用關節式工業機器人的基本設計,一般具有六個自由度:腰轉、大臂轉、小臂轉、腕轉、腕擺及腕捻。其驅動方式有液壓驅動和電氣驅動兩種。其中電氣驅動具有保養維修簡便、能耗低、速度高、精度高、安全性好等優點,因此應用較為廣泛。點焊機器人按照示教程序規定的動作、順序和參數進行點焊作業,其過程是完全自動化的,并且具有與外部設備 通信的接口,可以通過這一接口接受上一級主控與管理計算機的控制命令進行工作。





  (1)技術綜合性強 工業機器人與自動化成套技術,集中并融合了多項學科,涉及多項技術領域,包括工業機器人控制技術、 機器人動力學及仿真、機器人構建有限元分析激光加工技術模塊化程序設計、智能測量、建模加工一體化、 工廠自動化以及精細物流等先進制造技術,技術綜合性強。
(4)技術升級工業機器人與自動化成套裝備具備精細制造、精細加工以及柔性生產等技術特點,是繼動力機械、計算機之后,出現的全面延伸人的體力和智力的新一代生產工具,是實現生產數字化、自動化、網絡化以及智能化的重要手段。  [1]  


1. 確保水電氣齊全,并且保證安全門、光柵的報警解除。
2. 在機器人手動狀態下,將機器人光標移到報警欄,并按下全部確認,確認焊接使能是開的(示教盒屏幕左下角藍色按鈕不是打叉狀態)。
3. 在機器人示教盒上選擇輸入/輸出界面,檢查機器人的工作中、工作完成信號是否復位,若未復位,將其復位;然后將機器人示教盒上的狀態選擇開關打到自動擋,示教盒上的程序指針將指向CELL主程序{若示教盒上的程序指針沒有指向CELL主程序,需將機器人示教盒上的狀態選擇開關打到手動擋,然后到R1文件夾中選擇cell程序(按回車鍵選擇),再將機器人示教盒上的狀態選擇開關打到自動擋},機器人切換到自動運行狀態。
4. 按下主操作臺的報警復位按鈕,將手動/維修/自動選擇開關撥到自動位置。
5. 確認示教盒上的程序指針是否指向CELL主程序。
6. 接通伺服電源:按下操作盒上的伺服上電按鈕,使變位機伺服電源同時接通,相應的綠色伺服電源燈亮,并保證報警復位的紅燈熄滅,若沒熄滅,則按幾下此報警復位按鈕;然后按下啟動按鈕(2s),相應的指示燈同時點亮,工作站便進入自動運行工作狀態。
1. 若機器人因故停止,將機器人和操作盒都打到手動,然后按一兩下操作盒上的報警復位,再將機器人光標移到報警欄,并按下全部確認,將報警復位掉,然后將示教盒打到自動,然后重復上述第6步。
2. 若電極頭掉了,待其他機器人工作完成后,將示教盒和操作臺都打到手動T1模式,若方便安裝,則按好后重新啟動機器人即可(按一兩下操作盒上的報警復位,再將機器人光標移到報警欄,并按下全部確認,將報警復位掉,然后將示教盒打到自動,然后重復上述第6步);若不好安裝,則需將機器人操作到方便的位置(不要撞到任何東西),換好后將機器人移動到所停的位置的前一點(將機器人移動到該點的附近位置,然后句選擇到該點,按住前進檢查直到機器人自動停止,過程中保證不會碰撞),重新啟動即可。


點焊機器人最先大規模使用的區域將會出如今發達地區。隨著產業轉移的進行,發達地區的制造業需要提升。基於工人成本不斷增長的現實,點焊機器人的應用成為最好替代方式。未來我國點焊機器人的大范圍應用將會集中在廣東、江蘇、上海、北京等地,其點焊機器人擁有量將占全國一半以上。日益增長的點焊機器人市場以及巨大的市場潛力吸引世界著名機器人生產廠家的目光。當前,我國進口的點焊機器人主要來自日本,但是隨著諸如“機器人”類似的具有自有知識產權的企業不斷出現,越來越多的點焊機器人將會由中國制造。  [2]  


Kunshan Rongshijie introduces you to the spot welding robot in detail! For more details, please click on the home page to view the video!

Spot welding robot An industrial robot used for spot welding automation. The world's first spot welder began to be used in 1965. It was the Unimate robot launched by Unimation Corporation of the United States. In 1987, China developed its first spot welding robot, the Huayu-I type spot welding robot.

Chinese name spot welding robot, spot welding robot, industrial robot for spot welding automatic operation, robot body, computer control system, spot welding
table of Contents
1 advantage
2 applications
3 Technical characteristics
4 Related Information
5 Development trends
Advantage editing
The spot welding robot consists of a robot body, a computer control system, a teaching box and a spot welding system. In order to meet the requirements of flexible operation, the welding robot usually adopts the basic design of the joint industrial robot, and generally has six degrees of freedom. : waist, big arm turn, small arm turn, wrist turn, wrist swing and wrist watch. The driving method is hydraulic drive and electric drive. Among them, the electric drive has the advantages of simple maintenance, low energy consumption, high speed, high precision and good safety, so it is widely used. The spot welding robot performs spot welding operations according to the actions, sequences and parameters specified in the teaching procedure. The process is fully automated and has an interface for communication with external devices, which can accept the upper level master and management computer through this interface. Control commands work.
Application editing
The most field of use of spot welding robots should be the automatic assembly shop of the car body. (see photo to the right)
Spot welding robot processing automobile body shell (Source: KUKA)
Technical feature editing

(1) Technical comprehensive industrial robots and automated complete sets of technologies, which integrate and integrate multiple disciplines, covering a variety of technical fields, including industrial robot control technology, robot dynamics and simulation, robot construction finite element analysis, laser processing technology, Advanced manufacturing technology such as modular programming, intelligent measurement, modeling and processing integration, factory automation and fine logistics, with comprehensive technology.
(2) Application fields A wide range of industrial robots and automation equipment are the key equipments in the production process. They can be used in manufacturing, installation, testing, logistics and other production processes, and are widely used in automotive vehicles and auto parts, engineering machinery, rail transit, Low-voltage electrical appliances, electric power, IC equipment, military, tobacco, finance, medicine, metallurgy, printing and publishing, and many other industries, a wide range of applications.
(3) Advanced industrial robots integrate advanced manufacturing technologies such as precision, flexibility, intelligence, software application development, etc., through the detection, control, optimization, scheduling, management and decision-making of the process, to increase production and improve quality. Reducing costs, reducing resource consumption and environmental pollution are the highest manifestations of industrial automation.
(4) Technology upgrade Industrial robots and automation equipments have the technical characteristics of fine manufacturing, fine processing and flexible production. It is a new generation of production tools that extend the physical strength and intelligence of human beings after power machinery and computers. An important means of digitization, automation, networking and intelligence. [1] 
Related information editing
Spot welding robot operation flow
1. Ensure that the water and electricity are complete and that the alarms of the safety door and the grating are released.
2. In the robot manual state, move the robot cursor to the alarm bar and press all to confirm that the weld enable is on (the blue button in the lower left corner of the teach pendant screen is not crossed).
3. Select the input/output interface on the robot teaching box to check whether the robot's work and work completion signal are reset. If it is not reset, reset it; then, turn the status selector switch on the robot teaching box to the automatic gear. The program pointer on the teaching box will point to the CELL main program. {If the program pointer on the teaching box does not point to the CELL main program, you need to change the status selector switch on the robot teaching box to the manual gear, and then select it in the R1 folder. The cell program (press the Enter key to select), then the state selection switch on the robot teaching box is turned to the automatic gear}, and the robot switches to the automatic running state.
4. Press the alarm reset button on the main station to set the manual/service/automatic selector switch to the automatic position.
5. Confirm that the program pointer on the teach pendant points to the CELL main program.
6. Turn on the servo power: press the servo power-on button on the operation box to make the servo power of the positioner turn on at the same time, the corresponding green servo power light is on, and the red light of the alarm reset is extinguished. If it is not extinguished, press Several times this alarm reset button; then press the start button (2s), the corresponding indicator lights at the same time, the workstation will enter the automatic running state.
Simple problem handling
1. If the robot stops for any reason, turn the robot and the operation box to manual, then press the alarm reset on the operation box one or two times, then move the robot cursor to the alarm bar and press all to confirm, reset the alarm. Then hit the teach pendant to Auto and repeat step 6 above.
2. If the electrode tip is off, after the other robots work, the teaching box and the console will be in manual T1 mode. If it is convenient to install, press the robot and restart the robot (press one or two times on the operation box). Reset the alarm, then move the robot cursor to the alarm bar, press all to confirm, reset the alarm, then turn the teaching box to automatic, then repeat step 6 above; if it is not installed, the robot needs to be Operate to a convenient location (do not hit anything), move the robot to the previous point of the stopped position after changing it (move the robot to a position near the point, then select the sentence to the point, press and hold the check until The robot stops automatically, and it does not collide during the process. It can be restarted.
Development trend editor
The first large-scale use of spot welding robots will be in developed areas. As industrial transfers progress, manufacturing in developed regions needs to improve. Based on the growing reality of worker costs, the application of spot welding robots has become the best alternative. In the future, the wide range of applications of spot welding robots in China will be concentrated in Guangdong, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Beijing and other places, and the number of spot welding robots will account for more than half of the country. The growing spot welding robot market and huge market potential attract the attention of the world's leading robot manufacturers. At present, China's imported spot welding robots are mainly from Japan, but with the emergence of companies with their own intellectual property rights such as "robots", more and more spot welding robots will be made in China. [2] 
Reference material









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