


首先介紹點焊機工作原理:點焊的工藝過程為開通冷卻水;將焊件表面清理干凈,裝配準確后,送入上、下電極之間,施加壓力,使其接觸良好;通電使兩工件接觸表面受熱,局部熔化,形成熔核;斷電后保持壓力,使熔核在壓力下冷卻凝固 形成焊點;去除壓力,取出工件。焊接電流、電極壓力、通電時間及電極工作表面尺寸等點焊工藝參數對焊接質量有重大影響。點焊機利用正負兩極在瞬間短路時產生的高溫電弧來熔化電極間的被焊材料,來達到使它們結合的目的。







There are many types of spot welding machines on the market, with different prices. Many customers are often unaware of their mistakes. They generally care about how much a spot welding machine is. Although the price of a spot welding machine is a lever to leverage the market, it is not just the price that really convinces customers to buy. Resistance welding machines and pressure welding machines are all spot welding machines. The working properties and methods are basically the same. Because metal sheets can be welded, and various steel wires and wire meshes, the market is widely used. With the soaring price of raw materials, individual Manufacturers begin to take the road of cutting corners, generally in the following ways:

1. The power is small and the no-load rate is small. Some welding machine manufacturers even achieve 5-8%. Such a machine does not know how long it can work.

2. Due to the low voltage and high current characteristics of the spot welding machine, all conductive circuits must be high in conductivity, and they cannot be cut corners, but some welding machine manufacturers design the transformer circuit as a copper-clad aluminum because of cost factors. There is no difference, only to find out after using it for a period of time.

3 There are other reasons for unstable quality, so I wo n’t go into details one by one.

Although the price of spot welding machines is an aspect of purchase, performance and quality cannot be ignored.

Precautions during operation of spot welding machine

Spot welding machines, especially intermediate frequency spot welding machines, are becoming more and more widely used. Because of this, the use of spot welding machines is particularly important.

1. When the spot welding machine is used, the position is adjusted, the electrode arms are kept parallel to each other, and the electrode rod is adjusted so that the electrode is just pressed to the weldment.

2. The intermediate frequency DC spot welder can select the number of current adjustment switches according to the thickness and material of the weldment. After the power is turned on, the power indicator light should be on. The electrode pressure can be obtained by adjusting the spring pressure nut and changing its compression degree. After completing the above work, you can first connect the cooling water and then turn on the power to prepare for welding.

3. The specific operation process: the weldment is placed between the two electrodes, the foot pedal is pressed, and the upper electrode is brought into contact with the weldment and pressurized. When the foot pedal is continued to be pressed, the power contact switch is turned on, and the transformer starts to work The secondary circuit is energized to heat the weldment. When the foot pedal is released after welding for a certain period of time, the electrode rises, the power of the spring is first cut off and then restored to the original state, the single-point welding process is over.

4. Spot welding machine Welding machine preparation and assembly. Before welding the workpiece, remember to remove all dirt, oil, oxide scale and rust. Especially for hot-rolled steel, it is best to clean the welding place by pickling, sandblasting or grinding Oxide. Although uncleaned weldments can be spot-welded, the service life of the electrode is severely reduced, and the production efficiency and quality of spot-welding are also reduced. This is particularly important. For medium and low carbon steel with a thin coating can be directly welded.











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